General Conditions

Certificate of guarantee

Our machines are guaranteed for 12 months (working one 8 hour shift per working day) against defective materials, and we commit to replace, at no cost, in our shop, all defective parts recognised as such by our Technical Service, the machines being delivered in our shop free from haulage charges.

However, our passengers and material hoists range is guaranteed for 12 months or 1.000 hours of operation (whichever comes first) and our mast climbers (PEC range) for 12 months or 450 hours of operation (whichever comes first).

When sending the machine to the shop for revision, after having been in operation for some time, to and fro haulage charges will be on the account of the purchaser. When repairs, revisions, or parts replacement take place at the site, all expenses (travelling expenses, and labour from fitters, electricians, etc.) shall be paid by the purchaser. Failures due to normal wear, ill operation, overloads, wrong installation or location, or poor maintenance, are not covered by the guarantee. The guarantee of parts or materials supplied by others, such as bearings, motors, electrical or pneumatic materials, etc., will be limited to the guarantee given by the suppliers. The guarantee will cease from the moment the machine is subject to repairs or intervention by third parties without our previous authorisation, or set forth payment conditions are not complied with. In no case the Manufacturer will be liable for damages.